Flow Talks discusses creative technologies and sustainable models of production

Flow Talks presents new and interesting ways to understand creativity, technology, and sustainability. On Friday, a representative of the Google DeepMind team talks about the creative possibilities artificial intelligence can offer. On Saturday, Tietoevry Create explores the relationship between nature and design. Later the same day, Helsingin Sanomat Black Box (Musta laatikko) provides interactive quality journalism, delving into the presidential election of the USA, a personal history of graffiti in Finland, and how sounds affect us. On Sunday, in a collaboration with the City of Helsinki, Flow Talks focuses on sustainability from the perspective of food, consumption, accessibility, and fashion. 


Flow Talks kicks off on Friday with YouTube’s AI and Creativity program that takes a closer look at the use of artificial intelligence in creativity, especially music. Product Manager Hema Manickavasagam from Google DeepMind explores what kind of possibilities artificial intelligence can provide for human creativity.


On Saturday, the program starts with a keynote by Tietoevry Create’s design leader, Denny Royal, who talks about how nature can be used as a model for design and technological innovations. Royal’s keynote is followed by inspiring case examples, and the whole Tietoevry program is hosted by Oona Ylänkö who has worked as a CEO of the programming school Hive Helsinki and Game Brands Lead at Supercell. 


Saturday’s program continues with Helsingin Sanomat Black Box (Musta laatikko), an interactive and engaging  journalistic performance by HS journalists and photographers. Anna-Sofia Berner, who served as HS’s Washington correspondent in 2020, discusses this year’s presidential elections in the USA, HS Art Director Tuomas Jääskeläinen embarks upon a personal history with the graffiti in Helsinki, and feature writer Kaisa Hahto takes a closer look at what sounds are and how they affect us.


Sunday's program is a collaboration with the City of Helsinki and it provides new approaches to sustainability from the perspective of food, accessibility, and fashion. In the discussion, the Michelin-starred restaurateur Kozeen Shiwan, researcher Essi Pöyry from Helsinki University’s Centre for Consumer Society Research, accessibility expert Atso Ahonen from Riesa Consulting, and Ervin Latimer, a fashion designer and Professor of Practice at Aalto University, talk each about sustainability based on their own field of work.


Read more about Flow Festival’s Talks program here.