Regina makes a highly anticipated return in its original lineup after over a decade. The acclaimed trio of Iisa Pajula, Mikko Pykäri, and Mikko Rissanen will celebrate their beloved Soita mulle album by performing it in its entirety. Released in 2011, the record marked a turning point for the band, with their earlier electronic pop evolving into a more guitar-driven, shoegaze-inspired sound. The album was praised for its atmospheric and refined production, debuting at number five on the Finnish album chart.
The band members have since left a significant mark on Finland’s music scene. Iisa Pajula has built a successful solo career under the name Iisa, releasing several critically acclaimed albums. Mikko Pykäri, on the other hand, has produced solo work under the name Pykäri and collaborated as a producer and songwriter for various Finnish artists, such as Chisu and Yona. Additionally, he has played in other bands, including Shine 2009 and Babel.
Soita mulle has maintained its cult status over the years, cementing its place as one of the finest Finnish indie pop albums of its era. Particularly, the song Jos et sä soita has become a classic in Finnish indie music history.