Air were an unknown French duo in 1998, when they released their debut album Moon Safari and were catapulted to the top of electronic music’s ladder. The two members were students – Nicolas Godin of architecture and Jean-Benoît Dunckel of mathematics – who had released just one EP when they began making an album, dreaming of it selling 10 000 copies and being recognized by other musicians as cool. However, Moon Safari sold more than a million copies worldwide, and it became a landmark in the downtempo genre, affecting the music of several established artists. Air continued their career releasing more critically acclaimed albums and making music for several Sofia Coppola movies.
Moon Safari included the single hits Kelly Watch The Stars, Sexy Boy and All I Need, showing the duo could also write quality pop songs as well as create fascinating musical landscapes. Air began playing their debut album live for Moon Safari’s 25th anniversary, and this year they continue their album concerts all around the world. The Air members, both turning 56 this year, now summarize their debut as a deep, universal spell, full of love and mystery. Moon Safari is not just music but a mood you wish to last forever.